Different Types of Facial Plastic Surgical Procedures

Fortunately , we live in a world where self care is being embraced more and more.  You see flawless faces on social media, TV, and grocery store billboards, but for most of us, our goal is simply to make minor changes helping us to feel more confident and look natural. We have all looked in the mirror and thought, "Could something be...different?"

Facial plastic surgery is booming for a reason. It's more than just vanity; it's about taking charge of your appearance, tweaking something that has always bothered you and (sometimes) your health, and finally, taking care of you so you can  feel confident in your skin.

So, let's break it down – what exactly does facial plastic surgery entail?


Have you ever heard of a "nose job"? That's rhinoplasty in fancy-doctor-speak. The surgery gets all the attention, and for good reason. Your nose is front and center on your face, so any tweak makes a big difference. Imagine having a nose you like staring back at you!

Rhinoplasty can fix a whole bunch of stuff:

  • The Bump: Got a hump on your bridge you want to smooth out? Poof, it's gone.

  • The Droop: Hate when the tip of your nose points down? Rhinoplasty can give you a perkier, more upturned look.

  • Too Big, Too Small: Your whole nose can be reshaped – smaller, more refined, whatever your heart desires.

  • Breathing Trouble: Rhinoplasty can even fix a deviated septum or other issues that are interfering with you breathing through your nose Two birds, one stone!

Rhinoplasty recovery isn't the most fun – think a week stuck at home, maybe some bruising. But hey when you get that cast off? Hello, new you! And don't even get me started on the satisfaction of finally being able to take a decent profile pic.


If you find yourself doing the "finger lift" in the mirror (you know, gently pulling your skin upwards for a wishful preview), a facelift might be for you.

This one's all about:

  • Sagging Skin: Say goodbye to jowls and loose neck skin. A facelift tightens everything up for a smoother, younger look.

  • Deep Wrinkles: Those stubborn lines around your mouth and eyes? Smoothed out, baby. No more accidentally looking angry in every photo!

  • Sun Damage? See Ya: While a facelift can't erase every sunspot, it refreshes your skin for a brighter, more even complexion.

The recovery from a facelift is a little longer, so think two weeks before you're looking presentable in public. But trust me, those weeks are worth it when you catch your fresh-faced reflection.


Your eyes are the windows to your soul, right? Well, blepharoplasty makes sure those windows do not look like saggy curtains. Imagine ditching the concealer and still looking bright-eyed in the morning. That's the power of this surgery!

It targets:

  • Eyelid Hooding: That heavy, droopy skin above your eyes? It makes you look sleepy even when you're wide awake. Blepharoplasty fixes that right up.

  • Under-Eye Bags: Imagine waking up looking like you have eight hours. That's the power of getting rid of those puffy under-eye pockets.

  • Fine Lines & Crepey Skin: Think of it as an eye-area refresh. Blepharoplasty smooths everything out, making your whole eye area look rested and youthful.

Blepharoplasty recovery is sweet. You're back to normal in about a week. Best part? People will think you're just well-rested. Your secret's safe, but your eyes will speak volumes.

Brow Lift

Ever feel like your brows are making you look permanently grumpy or tired? No matter how many expensive brow pencils you buy, they won't perk up. A brow lift gives them a little boost, a natural-looking refresh that changes your vibe.

Think of it like this:

  • Arch Envy: Reshape your brows to that perfect, youthful arch. It'll make your eyes look bigger and more awake – like getting an instant eye-opener without all the mascara hassle.

  • Frown Lines? Never Heard of Her: Those pesky lines between your brows vanish thanks to smoothed-out skin. You'll look less stressed and more approachable, even deep in concentration.

  • Botox Who? Sometimes, a brow lift can even minimize the need for Botox injections in your forehead. The surgery itself does some of the heavy lifting.

Sometimes, a brow lift is combined with other procedures, like a facelift, for a total upper-face refresh. But even on its own, it's a subtle yet impactful change. You still look like you, just somehow...more vibrant.

Chin Up

Okay, hear me out. A weak chin can throw off your whole face. It's one of those things you might not notice until a surgeon points it out, and then suddenly, you can't unsee it. Chin implants to the rescue!

Here's the deal:

  • Jawline: A chin implant adds definition and structure, making your face look sharper and chiseled.

  • Profile Perfection: It balances out your side profile, especially if you've always felt something was off.

  • No Needles Necessary: Love the look of filler injections around your jaw but hate the upkeep? An implant could be your permanent solution.

Chin implant surgery is straightforward. A small incision under your chin, the implant goes in, and boom - a more robust profile in a snap. Plus, the recovery is a breeze compared to other surgeries.


Look, nobody's perfect. If you've got ears that stick out more than you'd like, Otoplasty (ear surgery) might be your jam. It's surprisingly common and can be a huge confidence booster.

Otoplasty can:

  • Pin Them Back: Otoplasty reshapes ears that poke away from the head at an angle to lie closer to your head.

  • Size Matters (Sometimes): If your ears are generally a bit too big, they can be subtly reduced through Otoplasty.

  • Childhood Teasing Begone: Many people get this done as adults because they were bullied about their ears as kids. It's a way to reclaim your self-image.

Neck Lift

You've put all this work into your face, but don't neglect your neck! A neck lift tackles that loose, saggy skin (what some call "turkey neck") for a complete rejuvenation. It's like the final piece of the puzzle.

What does a neck lift do?

  • Smooths and Tightens: Say goodbye to the crepey skin and hello to a defined, youthful neck.

  • Complements the Facelift: Neck lifts done with facelifts for the most dramatic, head-to-toe transformation. Imagine being able to wear turtlenecks with confidence again!

Hair Transplants

Hair loss for both men and women can seriously mess with confidence. The good news? Hair transplants have gotten extremely good. We're not talking about those weird plugs from back in the day.

Modern hair transplants, like the NeoGraft system, are the real deal:

  • No More Strip Scars: Old-school transplants took a strip of hair from the back of your head, leaving a noticeable scar. Not anymore! Now, it's just tiny individual follicle extractions.

  • Natural Results: The transplanted hair grows like usual, blending in seamlessly. Nobody will even know you have it done.

  • Get Your Edges Back: Restore a receding hairline or fill in thinning patches. Seriously, it can reverse years of hair loss.

While you will see the full results after some time (hair growth takes time), your patience is richly rewarded. Imagine rocking a full head of hair you haven't seen in ages... that's the power of a good transplant.

You've weighed the options and decided to get that rhinoplasty, facelift, brow lift or other facial rejuvenation. It's a big step toward feeling more like your best self. But picking the procedure is just the start. This is where Concierge RN can make all the difference. Our nurses understand real success means careful, personalized aftercare. We'll come to your home, ensuring you get the guidance and support for comfortable, complete healing. If you're in Phoenix or Salt Lake City, contact us consultation. Let us show you how Concierge RN can help you achieve beautiful results and feel truly confident through the whole process.