Brazilian Butt Lift (BBL) Tips and Perils, What to Expect and How to Prepare for a Smooth Recovery

If you have chosen to have this surgical procedure, here are some tips that might be helpful on your recovery journey. 

For best outcomes, being fully prepared prior to and post procedure is just as important as the quality of surgeon you pick to perform the surgery.

A BBL is the process of taking fat from other areas of your body such as the hips, lower back, thighs, or abdomen with liposuction. The fat that is removed with a canula is purified and prepared for transfer using a specialized machine. The cosmetic surgeon then injects the fat that was removed into specific places on the buttocks to increase volume and improve the shape.

You can expect to have small incisions in these areas where the liposuction was performed and also on the buttocks where the purified fat is placed.  Some surgeons leave these very small canula incisions open while others use a suture or Steri-strips to keep them closed.  You can expect them to leak the tumescent fluid for a few days, which is a very dilute local anesthetic solution used during surgery.

You will wake up with your compression garment on.  While this is one of the most important parts of your aftercare, it can also be one of the more annoying parts of recovery.  It is difficult to get on and off at first, and it’s super tight fitting, but believe it or not, you will soon feel more comfortable having it on than off. It truly is a love-hate relationship!  

There will be significant swelling for the first month and it will take up to 3-6 months for all swelling to subside. 

It is common to pair BBL with an abdominoplasty which usually means you will go home with a Jackson Pratt (JP) drain or two.  These can be placed in the anterior hip area or closer to the pubic area.  Removal of these drains varies from 5 days to a few weeks or more.  You will need to safety pin or clip the JP drains to your clothing or the bottom of your garment which can be even more constricting.  When showering you can use a special lanyard or cloth pocket of sorts to hold the drains while you wash up. 

Things to consider are time of recovery, pain, bruising and swelling.  Data states that while rare, there is a 1 in 5,000 to 10,000 chance of having a fat embolism  ( A fat embolism is when fat from the transfer breaks loose entering the bloodstream and travels to the heart or lungs causing death.

It is important for proper healing and your long-term results to eat healthy amounts of protein (150mg daily) and drink plenty of water & electrolytes.  You are encouraged to eat a well-balanced diet and participate in a regular exercise program, once your surgeon gives you clearance, to be able to maintain your results.  Please see our blog on Nutrition for optimal healing.

Helpful items to have:

You will want to buy a special pillow to keep you from sitting directly on your buttocks.  There are also special air-filled mattresses with a hole in it so that you can sleep more comfortably.   These mattresses come in handy especially when your BBL is paired with an abdominoplasty. 

You may also want to have a shirt or tank top long enough to cover your hip area made of thin, breathable fabric, as often times the stitching on the garments can be irritating to your sensitive skin that is swollen and sore.  An extra garment or faja is essential so that you can have one to wear while the other is being laundered. 

A long handled grabber is handy because you may not be able to bend to pick things up for a while.

Lastly, you should have a stool softener like Colace, a probiotic and extra strength Tylenol or acetaminophen for mild-moderate pain when you want to stop taking your narcotic pain medication. Some prescription pain medications have acetaminophen in them, so if this is the case, be sure not to take both at the same time.  The maximum amount of Tylenol or acetaminophen that can be taken safely for a healthy adult is 3,500-4,000mg per day.  Do not use a heating pad or ice pack without your surgeon’s permission.

Listed within the article are clickable links which will take you to the sites that offer these valuable items that will help you with your healing journey and make your recovery a little easier to get through.  These items are recommendations from some of our previous patients who have been through this same experience.  I hope you benefit from this blog and will consider using a service such as Concierge-RN if you’re within the Phoenix, Scottsdale Arizona area to assist you through your post operative recovery journey, if you are unable to have a friend or loved one at home with you for the first day or two.  Remember, preparation is key to your smooth recovery.